Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a Community Association?
A:   A Community Association is a non-profit corporation registered with the State and managed by a Board of Directors. Its purpose is to provide a communal basis for preserving, maintaining, and enhancing the Community. A Community Association also provides governance with provision of the legal documents: CC&R’s, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation. The Community Association is financially supported by all members of the Association. Rock Creek HOA membership is both automatic and mandatory. 

Q: What are the CC&R’S?
A:   The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s), which are also known as the Declarations, define the bundle of rights each owner in the Community Association must abide to. The CC&R’s are recorded by the County recorder’s office and are included in the title to your property. Failure to abide by the CC&R’s may result in a fines to the Homeowner by the Association.  

Q:  What are the Bylwas? 
A:   The Bylaws are the adopted guidelines for the administration and management of a Community Association. The Bylaws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Directors, the terms of the Directors, the membership’s voting rights, required meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a business. 

Q: What is the Board of Directors?
A:   The Board of Directors is elected by the Homeowners, or as otherwise specified in your Community Association Bylaws. The Board of Directors’ responsibility is operating the Community Association on behalf of the property owners. The Board of Directors will implement policies, standards, procedures, programs and develop the annual budget for their Community. 

Q:  How do I get access to the pool?
A:   Please email us at with your name and address.  Once received, we will provide dates and information on how to obtain a pool access card.  We will also post updates on Facebook (Rock Creek Homeowners) and the Nextdoor app.  Please reference our pool information and access page on this website.  

Q: What is a “management company,” what do they do, and how do I reach them?
A:   Neighborhood Services Corporation (NSC), Inc. was retained by your Board of Directors to oversee the financial management, maintain the financial records, and to assist the Board in all other business affairs of the Association.  NSC can be reached at 405-348-1436 or via their website at

Q:  How can I find out more about what is going on in the community?
A:  You can follow us on Facebook and the Nextdoor App.  You can also check out website at   If you would like to be added to our email distribution list, please email us at and request to be added to the distro. 

Q: What are the primary requirements of the covenants?
A:   Many Community Associations have established Rules and Regulations that have been adopted by the Board of Directors. The Rules and Regulations are established to provide direction to the property owners in regard to parking, pets, pool use, etc. Community Associations may also have specific guidelines set up for Architectural Improvements. Architectural Improvements include, but are not limited to: patio covers, decks, landscaping, fencing, storage buildings, and exterior color changes. These rules are set up to maintain the aesthetic value and integrity of your Community and to protect the market value of your investment. Violations of these rules may result in action by the Board of Directors, which can include fines assessed to the property owners. In addition, exterior improvements or changes that are completed without prior approval by the Board of Directors or Architectural Committee, may require the property owner to remove or correct the alteration and/or be fined for the violations. 

Q: What do I do if I want to report a violation?
A:  All violations can be submitted to the Rock Creek Board of Directors by email at

Q: Are Board Meetings open to all residents? If so, where and when are they held?
A:    Board meetings are open to all residents of an association.   If you would like to address the Board of Director’s at a meeting, please email us at to request our next meeting date.  

Q: If I want to serve on a Committee, how do I find out what Committees are active and how I can get involved?
A:   If you would like to become more involved in your Community and want to volunteer on a Committee, please email the Rock Creek Board of Directors at and we can put you in touch with our committee leaders.   

Q: What is are my HOA dues?
A:  Dues are the Homeowner’s financial obligation to the Community Association.  Dues cover the operating expenses of the common area and provide for reserve funds for replacement of common facilities in future years.   If you are new the HOA, your annual dues were likely pro-rated between owners at the time of closing.  In following years, you will be sent a statement from NSC for your dues.  Your annual dues are due by March 31st.  Dues not paid by March 31st will include an additional late fee of 18 percent per annum.  Dues not paid by June will be turned over to collections and a lien will be placed on the property for the amount owed and any associated legal fees.  

Q: Will my dues go up?
A:   There is no concrete answer to whether or not your dues will go up. The Board of Directors may approve an increased budget and dues each calendar year, in order to cover increased costs of operating and maintaining the common area and sufficient reserve funds.  This increase will not exceed 20 percent per year without a vote by the Association. 

Q: What happens if I don’t pay my dues?
A:   Community Associations are dependent upon timely receipt of dues due from each property owner. Late payments will result in late charges and possibly interest to your account.  In addition, the Association has the right to turn over delinquent accounts to the attorney for collection. 

Q: Do I need approval to do exterior changes?
A:  In Rock Creek all permanent exterior changes and additions must be submitted for approval by the Architectural Committee or your Board of Directors prior to any work being performed.  Log onto to check review the CCRs and regulations for further information.